South Carolina Paranormal Research & Investigations
Before Your Investigation

These are helpful tips to get the most out of your requested investigation. We ask that you
consider the following guidelines in order to MAXIMIZE our effectiveness as a team.
We are honored that you have selected us to assist you and wish for our combined
resources to be utilized wisely. We realize this is your property and time, and we do not
wish to inconvenience you in any fashion – please notify us of any potential conflicts, no
matter how small they may seem.

• Please have as FEW people as possible present at the investigation. It is very
difficult to gather objective data when a large number of people make it
impossible to distinguish between normal human occupation and that which may
be otherworldly.

• Secure all pets. We love animals and they love us which can make it hard to focus
on our true objective – helping you. Also, many animals are not supposed to go
outside and we do not wish for any to get loose during the course of an
investigation as we move about. Large, energetic or curious pets can accidentally
move or alter equipment which affects readings and may possibly invalidate our
investigation. Very protective ones may be alarmed at our presence and react
accordingly. We realize that they are part of your family and wish for them to be
comfortable. Please let us know in advance how this may impact or alter our

• Let us know in advance if there are relatives or children whose knowledge of our
investigation should be limited or none. Many have religious differences or may
have guardians who do not feel that the supernatural is an appropriate subject to
discuss. If there are children present, it may be suggested that they remain in the
presence of a parent or guardian at all times in case unexpected phenomena
should present itself.

• Make sure all walkways are clear – if we do a dim light visual or go completely dark,
then obstacles may impede our investigation or cause a safety issue.

• If there are private or dangerous areas that we should know about, please put up a
sign or sticky note advising us not to enter.

• Please inform us about any possible scheduling conflicts or time limitations so
that we can pace our investigation accordingly. We are very punctual and will
typically call to confirm within an hour before the appointed time.

• Our donation policy is: We do not request donations, but will gladly accept any
donation offered. We use donations to upgrade equipment, etc. We appreciate any
donation amount given. Checks or money orders should be made out to SCPRAI.